
The Basement Hoard, 2 Years Later

It’s been 2 years since I shared photos of my messy basement and talked about all of my plans. The good news is that some of those plans have worked out. My husband does have his nerd cave set up and often has friends over to play Magic the Gathering and my craft room is set up and staying fairly organized!basement hoard 2We have divided the basement space into three separate areas using giant shelves as walls. The far end is the nerd cave, the center area has been stacks of boxes and totes (all my stuff) and the other area is laundry land. This weekend I decided to start working on the center area. We want to set it up to be our paper craft/collage making area. We have an old school paper cutter (the kind you can chop fingers off with), some library card catalog files, file sorting shelves, and a drafting table waiting to be set up.
I made a ton of progress! However it doesn’t look like it (forgot to take a before photo).100_7159-1 I labeled some of the piles to give you an idea of what all is down here. Once I get things more situated all of the holiday stuff will be put into a small storage room at the back of the basement. Right now that room is filled with chairs and bags (and bags) of fabric. Baby stuff will be eliminated. A lot of the totes will be emptied, they are full of clothing that needs to be sorted, sold, and donated. Personal memorabilia (photos, cards, and knick knacks) will be relocated to the up-upstairs. I have learned a lot:
1.  I seem to have some sort of obsession with glass jars/bottles and tins of all kinds.
2.  We are not minimalist, we like stuff and we like to display it all on shelves and tacked to the walls.
3.  I have a lot of fabric! (no really, A LOT)
4.  When the zombie apocalypse hits we will have enough supplies to survive (now we need to start stocking up on food).
Once we get this area cleaned up and set up I’ll share more photos.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Oh gee whiz. Are we twins separated at birth? I have the same thing going on in my basement. (Minus the hubby nerd cave. Although the teenage daughter is working on her own video gaming nerd cave.)

Seriously. Glass bottle collections, miles of fabric, and lots of visual display. I really like what you're doing to get it all on order.

I'm also doing the plastic shoebox thing on shelves in my Girl Cave (basement craft/sewing area) but I wonder - are you organizing by craft supply item or by craft project? For now, I'm organizing both ways, sort of. Supplies are things like: Glues, Paints, Ribbon (6 boxes, organized by color)... and then the rest of the stuff is by project: Xmas ornament supplies, Decopauge, fridge magnets (hot glue, google eyes, bottle caps, rocks, seashells, glass bubbles), Tie dye, picture frame decorating, earrings, packaging, etc, and all the fabric fat quarters or smaller are organized by color family.

Every time we move, someone starts commenting on how I have SO MUCH STUFF and I keep thinking if I can organize it better and better, then it won't seem like so much. (I'm sure I'm only kidding myself.) Like you, when the zombie apocalypse comes, we'll be ready. We even have an enormous stash of canned green beans and stove top stuffing. Don't ask.

Anyway, thank you for sharing what you're doing to organize your stash of craft supplies. Your ideas never fail to inspire me.