
Hiding Out

For anyone wondering where I have been, I have been hiding. Actually I have been a little under the weather, but never fear, I have still been crafting. In the past week my crafting ADD has produced this.A stack of record bowls. These are fun and quick, you just put the record in the oven at 250 for a few minutes and once they are soft you shape them. I am also working on a record purse, but so far it is just a stack of jaggedly cut vinyl.
Some crocheted scrubbies made from nylon netting that I bought last weekend at the city wide yard sale.Tawashis that are knitted and crocheted. I had never heard of tawashis until I joined the swap for knitters only at craftster and one of the other swappers mentioned making these with acrylic yarn. After searching the "net" and learning how to read the Japanese patterns these are what I came up with.A crocheted cupcake pincushion made from a plastic bottle cap. As you can see I'm still finishing the ruffle of icing.The start of some pop tab chain maile to make a purse. I purchased instructions from aluminus publishing.And finally, some more shrinky dinks for my swap partner. These are stitch markers and yarn bobbins to hold yarn tails modeled after bread ties. These are a practice run. I had a hard time getting them to shrink without sticking. When I make more I may shrink them with my heat gun so I have more control.


Katie L. said...

WOW! You have been a busy woman!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's so creative. I love the record bowls - what a fabulous idea.

crafterbation said...

What fun! I love making record bowls! A friend of mine and i used to sell them along with record cover notebooks and you'd be amazed how many people don't realize how easy they are to make!