
Pop Tabs: The Obsession Continues

That link from Craftster yesterday was a bust, it was vaguely helpful, but the stitch counts were seriously off.  It took me all afternoon, but I did figure it out, yay!pop tab sample

I would like to share, but I’m going to need photos and maybe video to explain some of this stuff and I want to perfect my technique a bit more.  Here’s a shot of the back, sometimes seeing what the back looks like makes the process clearer for me.

pop tab sample 3 I’m making a copy of a purse I’ve seen online and I need 14 of these hexagons (I know they look like flowers, but they are hexagons, humor me).  I made five last night, it takes me about 45 minutes to make one, hopefully I’ll get a little faster.  It is also very hard on a crochet hook, mine is all scratched up and I won’t be able to use it for anything else without snagging the yarn.

pop tab sample 2Only 9 more to go, we may have carry out for dinner.  I’m so excited that I figured out how to do this I just can’t stop, and now I know that I can also make smaller and larger motifs and squares too!!!

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