
Welcome to My Garden

My four year old son has taken an interest in plants and growing them and so we needed a garden. We live in a very "cozy" two bedroom apartment and it is February, so I did some research and found this self watering planter from 2 liter bottles. The only things I needed to get to make this was soil and seeds, for a total cost of about $10 we could have a nice little indoor garden.
Cutting the bottles was easy with the use of an exacto knife and fascinating to my son, who admired the "good cutter".
Drilling the holes with the dremel and putting the string was probably his favorite part. He really liked looking through the little holes we made in the caps.
The one in the center is ready for planting (for this photo shoot anyway) and the rest are draining from the soil saturation part of this project. I need to get some goo gone to get that bit of glue and label off the greenhouse part. We will be planting a selection of herbs and flowers tomorrow and I'm excited to see how they will grow. We will also be planting some beans in cups for a quicker result, the patience of a four year old is short.
I think that we will probably paint some paper sleeves for the bottoms of the bottles to make them pretty and we will also need some stakes to label our garden.


Pam said...

I'm reading through your blog playing catch up and saw the more recent post of your plantings. Now I see how you made these.
Do you lift out the soil-holding part to add more water to the reservoir?

How are your plants coming along?

Crafterella said...

The soil part lifts right out to add the water. The plants are doing well so far, we'll see what happens when they get bigger. I may have to transplant some of them into larger pots.