
The Bath Puff

The bath puff has been on my must crochet list for quite a while and I finally had time to whip one up. I used some scrap balls of cotton yarn and some of my vintage cotton terry cloth yarn for added scrubbing power. The pattern is easy, the most challenging part is fitting all the stitches in where they go. I ended up skipping the last round, my puff was already really puffy and I was running out of scrap yarn.

cotton crochet puff When I got about half way finished with this it occurred to me that I wasn’t going to like using it. I absolutely hate that musty smell that washcloths and dishcloths get after you use them once and this was going to be the same way. It sure is pretty though, it might look nice setting around and maybe once in a while I’ll use it and then toss it directly in the wash so it doesn’t get gross, I bet it would take forever to dry. It would look nice as a gift with some body wash, but is it weird to give something this impractical? Who’s going to wash their bath puff after every use? Hmmm, would it make a good duster? Anyone have an idea on what to do with this?


The Oxford Family said...

I bought a pattern for a bath puff months ago and have yet to make it. The smelly aspect never crossed my mind! I hate that smell!

Crafterella said...

I haven't tried it yet, I'm scared that I'll really like it and it will get that smell.
I guess I could use it like a wash cloth and run it through the washer a lot. There is a version of the pattern that uses net or tulle, I may have to give that a try