I borrowed this book from my local library, (it appears to be out of print, but there are used copies available on Amazon). This book is targeted to children and it is simply written and has interesting pictures and fun facts about plants to entertain and educate.
My children, especially my son, are really interested in plants and seeds. Most of the plants in this book are common, except for the wheat berries, I have nooooo idea where one would buy those, maybe a health food store? I liked that how the plants sprout and grow was explained and is was made clear that most of the plants would not bear fruit indoors and what could and could not be eaten.
We have started our first project from the book, an avocado tree!
The seeds have to be dried overnight and peeled. Peeling was hard, I found that the pointy bit of my pot scrapper worked great for removing the outer skin with out damaging the inner seed.
The seed is then skewered and the bottom is immersed in water. Now for a few weeks in the dark and we’ll see what happens. I was hoping to start three seed, but one of them was damaged and broke in half when it was time to be skewered.
I am excited to see if anything will grow and if it doesn’t I’ll just be forced to make more guacamole to get some more seeds, wouldn’t that be terrible!
Guess what we’ll be planting next =D.
I did enjoy this book and it was a quick read, I would buy it if I found it on a yard sale or in a thrift store, but I am not inclined to purchase it for $10.00 online. So thumps up, but don’t buy, borrow. I’ll let you guys know how the avocados turn out