As most of you know I love Halloween and the season has officially started, there are decorations and crafts in the store. Every year I see some really great stuff, but it’s the same stuff everyone has. This year I wanted to get something different, something crafty.
Last year craftster started a 13 days of Halloween swap (similar to the 12 days of Christmas), but because we were moving there was no way I could join. This year I’m in, I missed the swap deadline altogether, but was able to pick up an angel spot and I am super excited!!! You can read all the swap-y details here.
I have warned my partner that I will be posting projects to this blog, so if she wants to be surprised no peeking. I have my days planned out and I am working on two projects (more on those later this week). I am hoping to make duplicates of some of my projects, so I can keep one for myself, but we will see how that goes.
I also have been busy with new house stuff. Our neighbors are going to tear down this adorable shed.
They have said we could have it if we can move it. I think we are going to have to rent some heavy duty equipment to pull this off, but I really like this shed, doesn’t it look like a chicken coup! A coat of paint and a tin roof would make it super cute and maybe some window flower boxes.
I have been anxiously awaiting the announcement of the Crafty Chica Bag Contest winner. I feel like I’m stalking Kathy on twitter hoping that any day they’ll say who won. She tweeted yesterday that they were going to decide, but they haven’t announced anything yet!
And my son is going to start kindergarten this year, so we have been getting physicals and shots, it’s been fun!
If you have any Halloween suggestions or links please let me know and if you know the best way to move a shed I’d love to hear from you.